Subaru Legacy/Outback

1999-2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Subaru of Legasi, Autbek
+ Cars Subaru Legacy, Outback
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine
   Check of compression pressure in cylinders and tightness of the block
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with use of the vacuum gage
   The engine lubrication system - the general information
   + the repair Procedures which are not connected with extraction of the engine from the car - four-cylinder engines
   + the repair Procedures which are not connected with extraction of the engine from the car - six-cylinder engines
   - General and capital repairs of engines
      Removal of the power unit from the car - methods of performance and a precautionary measure
      Removal and installation of the power unit - a procedure performance order
      Alternative versions of schemes of recovery repair of the engine
      Order of dismantling of the engine by preparation it to capital repairs
      Service of a head of cylinders
      Dismantling of the block of cylinders
      Service of shatunno-piston assemblies
      Service of the block of cylinders
      Assembly of the block of cylinders
      Trial start and running in of the engine after capital repairs
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box and differential
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Service of the block of cylinders

Location and scheme of drawing dimensional marking of radical bearings and cylinders of the 4-cylinder engine

A — Marking of the size of radical bearings
B — Marking of a combination of the left and right semi-blocks
With — Marking of the size of the cylinder No. 1

D — Marking of the size of the cylinder No. 2
E — Marking of the size of the cylinder No. 3
F — Marking of the size of the cylinder No. 4

Cleaning and check of a condition of the block



1. Uncover radical bearings and take from the beds in covers and the block inserts of bearings. Mark inserts by means of an adhesive tape on compliance to the beds (bearing No., a block/cover) and put them aside.
2. Scratch out all traces of material of old laying from the interfaced block surface. Try not to leave zadir.
3. Remove all covers and carving caps of oil galleries from the block. Caps are usually tightened very hardly therefore, quite perhaps, they should be drilled with the subsequent restoration of a carving in an opening. At assembly of the block of a cap it is necessary to replace new.
4. At strong external pollution of the engine it is necessary to bring him in a workshop of car service for steam cleaning or heat treatment.
5. After return of the block from a workshop once again carefully clean all oil openings and galleries - for this purpose special cylindrical brushes of a special form are issued (ask in shops of automobile accessories). Wash out cavities and channels warm water, - continue washing until from the opposite side of the block clear water does not start following. Carefully dry up the block, then slightly oil all pierced surfaces liquid for protection them from corrosion. In the presence of access to a source of compressed air use it for acceleration of process of drying of the block and a purge of remote cavities and channels.

 During the work with compressed air do not forget to put on goggles!

6. At strong pollution or a zashlakovyvaniye of the block it is necessary to resort to brush cleaning by hot water with soap. It is not necessary to try to save time at the expense of the negligent relation to cleaning of the block. Regardless of the chosen way, track care of a clearing of remote cavities, channels and openings. In summary dry the block and oil the pierced surfaces liquid for protection them from corrosion.
7. Banish all carving openings in the block a tap of the corresponding size for the purpose of a guarantee of compliance of indications of the indicator of a dinamometrichesky key to really developed efforts of a tightening of fixture at assembly of the engine. Then, whenever possible, blow the banished openings compressed air, having removed from them all small garbage and shaving. Having finished processing of openings, walk a lerka by carving part of bolts.
8. Establish to the place of a cover of radical bearings, having by hand tightened their fixture.
9. Grease with not stiffening sealant a carving of new caps and a zakuporta them openings of oil galleries. Track durability of a tightening of caps.
10. If are not going to start immediately assembly of the engine, place the block in a big plastic bag for protection of its pollution.



1. Previously the block has to be carefully cleared.
2. Make external survey of semi-blocks regarding identification of traces of corrosion, cracks and other damages. Check a condition of a carving of bolted openings. It will also be reasonable to make testing of semi-blocks for existence of the hidden cracks in the conditions of a workshop of car service with use of the special diagnostic equipment. In case of detection of defects the block is subject to recovery repair or replacement.
3. Check passability of maslotok.
4. Estimate degree of not planeness of the interfaced surfaces of semi-blocks. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need give the block to a pro-point.
5. Check a condition of mirrors of cylinders.
6. Estimate sizes taking place of conicity and ovality of cylinders:

a) Measure diameter of each of cylinders in top (directly under limit of step wear), the central and lower sections in the plane of a parallel axis of a cranked shaft;
b) Measure diameters at the same three levels, but in the plane, a perpendicular axis of the block;
c) The size of conicity of the cylinder is determined by a difference between results of measurements in the top and lower sections. The difference of diameters in a parallel and perpendicular axis of a cranked shaft in each of the planes is called as ovality.
d) Compare results of check to nominal rates (see Specifications).
7. Working in a similar manner, serially check all cylinders.
8. At detection of noticeable defects or a deviation of results of measurements from standard requirements, the block of cylinders is subject to recovery machining in the conditions of a workshop of car service. If in the course of recovery repair boring of cylinders was made, the engine has to be completed with new pistons corresponding repair (with excess) the size.
9. If the condition of mirrors of cylinders during performance of check is found satisfactory at simultaneous observance of standard requirements to a form of cylinders and to gaps of landing in them of pistons, need for a pro-point of cylinders disappears. Will be to execute a honingovaniye of their mirrors only enough.

Cylinders and pistons

Check of a state


1. Dimensional marking of cylinders is beaten out from above in forward part of the block. Pistons of the standard sizes share on two dimensional groups (And and In) and have to be installed in the cylinders marked as appropriate.

2. When replacing worn-out pistons replaceable elements are selected proceeding from the size of a gap of landing of the piston in the cylinder. Measure the internal diameter of each of cylinders in four sections perpendicular to an axis of a piston finger (in 10, 45, 80 and 115 (115 - only for SOHC engines) mm from an axis of a piston finger).

 Measurements should be performed at a temperature of 20 °C.

A — the Direction of an axis of a piston finger
B — the Persistent direction

A — the Direction of an axis of a piston finger
B — the Persistent direction

3. Having prepared a set of pistons of the repair size, measure diameters of their skirts in the plane of a perpendicular axis of a piston finger at H distance = 40.0 mm (model of 2.0 l) of/37.0 mm (model of 2.5 l) / 39.0 mm (model of 3.0 l) from the piston bottom.

 Perform measurement at a temperature of 20 °C.

4. Having compared results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, determine sizes of landing gaps of pistons, estimate conicity and ovality of cylinders, in case of need give the block to a pro-point. Pay attention that diameter of the cylinder measured at once after a pro-point can not correspond to the real received diameter because of the increased temperature.

 All cylinders have to be pierced to the identical repair size! If boring without excess of the maximum permissible size is not possible, the block is subject to replacement!

5. Before assembly of the engine the honingovaniye of mirrors of cylinders for the purpose of achievement of the correct landing to them of piston rings providing due tightness of combustion chambers is without fail carried out.

 In the absence of near at hand necessary tools or unwillingness independently to carry out a honingovaniye, work for quite moderate payment can be charged to experts of a workshop of car service.

Honingovaniye of cylinders


1. Before starting a honingovaniye, establish to the place of a cover of radical bearings and tighten fixing bolts with the demanded effort.
2. Two types of khans for processing of mirrors of cylinders are issued: hon like "the bottle brush" and, more traditional, superficial hon in the form of a nozzle with the sprung grinding stones. Both tools provide necessary quality of processing of mirrors of cylinders though use of the first is more preferable to the inexperienced mechanic. Also enough rags, special honingovochny or simply liquid lubricating oil, and also the electric drill as the drive for honingovochny nozzles will be required. Act in the following order:

a) Clamp hon in an electric drill cartridge, reduce the sprung grinding stones / rods of the brush of a nozzle and fill the last in the cylinder.

 Do not forget to put on goggles or a front guard!

b) Plentifully moisten a mirror of the processed cylinder with oil, include a drill and start making a nozzle back and forth motions in the cylinder. Speed of vertical movement of a hon has to provide drawing on a surface of a mirror of the cylinder of a mesh pattern with a corner of crossing of the parties of a yachea about 60 °. Do not feel sorry for oil and try not to remove more material from a surface of walls of the cylinder, than it is really necessary for achievement of the demanded result.

 Manufacturers of piston rings can impose own requirements to a corner of crossing of the parties of a yachea of a mesh pattern, - attentively study the instruction on packing of a remnabor;

c) Do not take hon from the cylinder to a full stop of a drill! Continue to make back and forth motions by a nozzle until it does not stop rotating. After a stop of a drill squeeze grinding stones and take hon from the cylinder. When using of the khan like "bottle brush" wait for a full stop of a drill, then take a nozzle, continuing to rotate manually a cartridge in the normal direction;
d) Wipe rags a mirror of the cylinder and pass to a following honingovaniye.
3. Upon completion of processing, use a file for removal of facets from the upper edges of cylinders, - this processing is made with the purpose there were no difficulties with gas station in cylinders of pistons with the rings which are put on them. Observe extreme care, - do not scratch a file a cylinder mirror.
4. In summary all block has to be washed carefully out by warm solution of soap water.

 Cylinders can be considered washed out when after carrying out on a mirror the white rags moistened with oil on it does not remain a gray raid. Do not forget to clean a cylindrical brush all oil openings and channels, then wash out the block a water stream under a pressure.

5. After washing carefully dry the block and oil the pierced surfaces for protection them from corrosion. Prior to assembly of the engine wrap the block in a pure plastic bag.

Pistons and piston fingers


1. In the considered engines pistons of the facilitated yubochny design with thermal flutes under installation of oil scraper rings are used.
2. Fingers of pistons are displaced or up (even numbers of cylinders), or down (odd numbers of cylinders).
3. Attentively examine each of pistons on existence of cracks in a skirt, round ledges under installation of piston fingers and around an arrangement of rings.
4. Check persistent surfaces of a skirt of the piston for existence of scratches, the bottom - on existence of through openings and progar on edge. Presence of scratches on a skirt can be regarded as a sign of long overheats of the engine, or too early ignition of air and fuel mix, - check serviceability of functioning of the cooling system. Progara at the edges of the bottom are the certificate of a detonation. Anyway, the reason of the revealed violation has to be eliminated in order to avoid recurrence. Also leak of the soaked-up air, the wrong configuration of air and fuel mix, violation of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition, the wrong functioning of systems of ignition and EGR can act as the possible reasons of formation of the listed defects.
5. Dot corrosion of pistons in the form of cavities speaks about hit in combustion chambers and/or a case of the engine of cooling liquid. Besides, take care that the reason of internal leaks was eliminated.
6. Check freedom of landing in pistons of fingers of the top heads of rods. At a temperature of 20 °C fingers have to refuel in landing openings in pistons by effort of a thumb, - if this condition is not satisfied, make replacement of the corresponding fingers.
7. Measure a gap of landing of a piston finger in the piston. If the measured size does not meet Specifications, replace a finger.
8. Check, whether there are no agnails in a flute of the ring spring lock of a piston finger. If the lock does not move freely, remove agnails.

Details of installation and design of piston rings of 4-cylinder engines

1 — Adjusting marking (forward on the engine)
2 — the Identification code (the piston size)
3 — an engine displacement Code
A — the Top compression ring
B — the Second compression ring
With — the Oil scraper ring

a — the Internal facet
b — Selection
with — the Top working section of an oil scraper ring
d — the Dilator of an oil scraper ring
e — the Lower working section of an oil scraper ring

Details of installation and design of piston rings of 6-cylinder engines

1 — Adjusting marking (forward on the engine)
A — the Top compression ring
B — the Second compression ring
With — the Oil scraper ring
a — the Internal facet

b — Selection
with — the Top working section of an oil scraper ring
d — the Dilator of an oil scraper ring
e — the Lower working section of an oil scraper ring

Piston rings


1. On each piston it is established on three rings: two compression (top and the second) and one oil scraper. On the top compression ring there is an internal facet; on the second compression ring – the selection providing decrease in a consumption of motive oil from the outer edge of the lower surface.
2. Previously pistons and rods have to be carefully cleared. Rings need to be removed from pistons.

 Piston rings are subject to replacement without fail.

3. By means of the special adaptation remove rings from pistons, - try not to damage walls of the last incidentally.
4. Scratch out traces of coal deposits from the bottoms of pistons. After removal of the main layer of deposits smooth out a surface manually a wire brush or a piece of a fine-grained emery paper.

 Do not use for cleaning made of soft material and pistons easily subject to an erosion wire nozzles to the electric drill at all!

5. By means of the special adaptation clean flutes under installation of rings on pistons. It is alternatively possible to use for this purpose a fragment of an old piston ring, however be careful, - do not scratch a bottom and walls of a flute and do not cut fingers.
6. Having removed the main deposits, wash out shatunny assemblies by solvent and carefully dry them, whenever possible with use of compressed air.

 When using compressed air do not forget to put on goggles! Check passability of maslovozvratny openings in back walls of flutes under installation of piston rings, and also oil openings in the lower heads of rods.

7. If walls of pistons and a mirror of cylinders are not damaged and excessively are not worn-out, and the block of the engine was not pierced and not replaced, need for replacement of pistons disappears. Normal wear of pistons is shown in the form of vertical traces of development on a persistent surface and a small weak point of landing of the top compression ring in the flute. Do not forget that replacement of piston rings is made without fail, regardless of their state.

8. Estimate the size of a lateral gap of landing of piston rings in the flutes for what enclose a new ring outside in the flute on the piston and measure by the probe of lezviyny type the remaining gap. Repeat measurement in two-three points on flute perimeter. Remember that the top compression ring differs from second (lower). If the size of a gap exceeds admissible value (see Specifications), pistons are subject to replacement.

9. Execute check of gaps in locks of piston rings: fill a ring in the cylinder and level it perpendicularly, the piston bottom, having drowned on depth about 15 mm. Measurement is performed by means of the probe of lezviyny type. Serially define gaps in locks of all rings. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need chisel locks a file, having clamped a ring in a vice, - pull a file only from within a ring outside!

Rods and shatunny bearings


 If the engine is under repair for the purpose of elimination of knock of fingers, replace shatunny assemblies.

1. If the pushing surfaces of any of heads of a rod are damaged, it should be replaced.

2. At the special stand estimate the size of a residual bend and twisting of a rod.

A — the Probe of lezviyny type
B — the Rod

3. Establish a rod with inserts on the corresponding neck of a cranked shaft and by means of the probe of lezviyny type determine the size of an axial side play of assembly. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need replace a worn-out rod.

4. Estimate a condition of inserts of shatunny bearings. Make sure of lack of zadir, agnails, it is erose, signs of an overheat and other defects, - excessively worn-out inserts are subject to replacement.
5. Measure the size of working gaps of each of shatunny bearings by means of the calibrated plastic thread from the Plastigage set, - follow instructions of manufacturers. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need replace inserts standard or repair the corresponding size.

6. Estimate a condition of plugs in the top heads of rods. Make sure of landing density in plugs of piston fingers.

7. The worn-out or damaged plugs are subject to replacement: the vypressovyvaniye of plugs is made by means of the special ST 5990337100 or ST 18350AA000 tool. Before landing the new plug is oiled by the pure motive. Drill two openings with a diameter of 3 mm in the plug and develop an internal surface of the plug. Having finished procedure, carefully clear the plug of shaving.

Cranked shaft and radical bearings


1. Carefully wipe a cranked shaft and attentively examine it on existence of cracks, in case of need give a shaft to a workshop of car service for carrying out defectoscopy with use of the special equipment. In case of detection of defects the shaft is subject to replacement.

2. Having laid a cranked shaft pins on prisms with V-shaped selections, by means of the dial measuring instrument of plunger type determine the size of a radial beating of a shaft to a neck of the central radical bearing.

 In the absence of near at hand special prisms, put inserts of the 1st and 5th radical bearings in one of semi-blocks, and lower in them a shaft. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications. In case of need give a shaft to a pro-point, or make its replacement.

3. Check radical and shatunny necks of a shaft for existence of signs of wear and damages. By measurement of diameters of necks in various sections and the planes determine sizes of conicity and ovality. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. In case of need give a shaft to a pro-point, - after a pro-point the sizes of necks have to correspond to one of standard repair types (see Specifications).

4. Attentively examine inserts of radical bearings on existence of traces of an overheat, it is erose, estimate degree of wear of working surfaces. Determine the size of an axial side play of a shaft by the central (persistent) bearing. If the measured size does not meet requirements of Specifications, replace the bearing.

5. By means of the calibrated wire from the measuring Plastigage set determine sizes of working gaps in radical bearings. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. In case of need replace inserts repair, or give a shaft to a pro-point.